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Bumba Mukherjee (Ph.D.; Columbia University, 2004) is a Professor at Penn State University. He was previously an Assistant Professor at the University of Notre Dame, Assistant Professor at Florida State University, a visiting research scholar at Princeton University, and a visiting fellow at the Kellogg Institute, University of Notre Dame. His research interests include studying the political economy of populism, political violence, civil conflict and development. He also conducts research in statistical methodology, especially spatial statistics, machine learning and causal inference.


His work has been published in several journals such as the American Journal of Political ScienceAnnual Review of Political ScienceComparative Political StudiesConflict Management and Peace Science, Experimental EconomicsJournal of PoliticsInternational OrganizationInternational InteractionsInternational Studies QuarterlyJournal of Conflict Resolution,  MathematicsPolitical Analysis, and the R Journal, among others.


He is the author of several books including Globalization, Democracy and Trade Policy in the Developing World published by the University of Chicago Press, The Politics of Corruption in Dictatorships (with Vineeta Yadav) published by Cambridge University Press, The Politics of Mass Killing in Autocratic Regimes (with Ore Koren) published by Palgrave Macmillan, Democracy, Electoral Institutions and Judicial Empowerment in Developing Countries (with Vineeta Yadav) published by the University of Michigan Press, Principles of International Political Economy (with Jeff Kucik and Mark Hallerberg) published by Oxford University Press.


His other books include The Rise of Right-Wing Populist Parties and Reversal of Economic Reforms published by Rowman & Littlefield,  The IMF, Financial Crisis, and Repression of Human Rights (with Vineeta Yadav) published by Palgrave Macmillan and Economic Nationalism and Democracy in Uncertain Times (Edward Elgar Press). He is currently working on his ninth book Varieties of Populism and the Future of Globalization (with Vineeta Yadav) which is under contract at Cambridge University Press as well as papers on civil conflict and development, and political methodology.





Bumba Mukherjee and Vineeta Yadav. Varieties of Populism and the Future of Globalization. Under Contract. New York: Cambridge University Press.


Bumba Mukherjee and Vineeta Yadav. 2024. The IMF, Financial Crisis and Repression of Human Rights. New York:  

Palgrave MacMillan


Bumba Mukherjee. Economic Nationalism and Democracy in Uncertain Times. Under Contract. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.


Vineeta Yadav and Bumba Mukherjee. 2024. The Rise of Right-Wing Populist Parties and Reversal of Economic Reforms in Developing Democracies. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.


Bumba Mukherjee, Eric Reinhardt and Mark Hallerberg. 2020. Principles of  International Political Economy. New York: Oxford University Press.


Bumba Mukherjee and Ore Koren. 2018. The Politics of Mass Killing in Autocratic Regimes. New York: Palgrave MacMillan



Bumba Mukherjee. 2016. Democracy and Trade Policy in Developing Countries. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.



Vineeta Yadav and Bumba Mukherjee. 2016. The Politics of Corruption in Dictatorships. New York: Cambridge University Press.


Vineeta Yadav and Bumba Mukherjee. 2014. Democracy, Electoral Institutions and Judicial Empowerment in Developing Countries. Michigan: University of Michigan Press.

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Minnie M. Joo, Brandon Bolte, Vineeta Yadav, and Bumba Mukherjee. 2024. “ Right-Wing Populist Leaders, Nationalist Rhetoric, and Dispute Initiation in International Politics” Journal of Conflict Resolution


Benjamin E. Bagozzi, Minnie M. Joo, and Bumba Mukherjee. 2024. “Top-Category Inflation in Ordered International Relations Outcomes.” Foreign Policy Analysis 20(2):1-15


Bumba Mukherjee and Nguyen K. Huynh. 2024. “Authoritarian Regimes and the Reversal of Economic Reforms” In Natasha Lindstaedt and Jeroen Van den Bosch (ed.). Research Handbook on Authoritarianism. Cheltenham: Edgar Elgar Publishing.


Minnie M. Joo, Brandon Bolte, Nguyen Huynh, and Bumba Mukherjee. 2023. “Bayesian Spatial Split-Population Survival Model with Applications to Democratic Regime Failure and Civil War Recurrence.” Mathematics 11(8), 1886: 1-23.


Brandon L. Bolte, Nicolas Schmidt, Sergio Bejar, Nguyen Huynh, and Bumba Mukherjee. 2021. “BayesSPsurv: An R Package to Estimate Bayesian Split-Population (Spatial) Survival Models for Clustered Event Processes” The R Journal 13(1): 595-613


Brandon L. Bolte, Minnie M. Joo and Bumba Mukherjee. 2021. “Security Consolidation in the Aftermath of Civil War: Explaining the Fates of Victorious Militias” Journal of Conflict Resolution 65(9): 1459-1488.


Ore Koren and Bumba Mukherjee. 2021. “Civil Dissent and Repression: An Agency-Centric Perspective” Journal of Global Security Studies 6(3): 1-18.


Ore Koren and Bumba Mukherjee. 2021. “Economic Crises, Civilian Mobilization, and Repression in Developing States.” Conflict Management and Peace Science. 3:1-22. 


Minnie M. Joo and Bumba Mukherjee. 2021. “Rebel Command and Control, Time, and Rebel Group Splits” International Interactions, 47:2, 318-345


Nguyen K. Huynh, Sergio Bejar, Vineeta Yadav, and Bumba Mukherjee. 2021. “IDCeMPy: Python Package for Inflated Discrete Choice Models.” Journal of Open Source Software 6(63): 3322-27.


Minnie M. Joo, Nicolás Schmidt, Sergio Béjar, Vineeta Yadav, and Bumba Mukherjee. 2020.  “BayesMFSurv: An R Package to Estimate Bayesian Split-Population Survival Models With (and Without) Misclassified Failure Events. “ Journal of Open Source Software 5(47), 2164-68


Bumba Mukherjee. Forthcoming. “Private Information, Heterogeneous Beliefs and Strategic Behavior: An Experimental Test of a Bargaining Game model.” Experimental Economics


Benjamin E. Bagozzi, Minnie M. Joo, Bomin Kim, and Bumba Mukherjee. 2019. “A Bayesian Split Population Survival Model for Duration Data with Misclassified Failure,” Political Analysis 27(4): 415-434


Bumba Mukherjee. 2019. “Critical Dialogue: Organizing Democracy: How International Organizations Assist New Democracies.” Perspectives on Politics 17(2): 515-520


Alexandra Guisinger, Bumba Mukherjee, Benjamin Bagozzi and Minnie Joo. Conditional Accept. “Shadow Banks, the IMF, and “Sudden Reversal” Crisis in Developing Countries.” Review of International Organizations


Benjamin E. Bagozzi, Ore Koren, and Bumba Mukherjee. 2017. “Droughts, Land Appropriation, and Rebel Violence in The Developing World.” Journal of Politics 79(3):1057-1072


Bumba Mukherjee. Forthcoming. “Democratic Institutions and Intermediate Exchange Rate Regimes: Estimates from a Markov-Switching Model with Endogenous Switching.” Journal of International Money and Finance


Alexandra Guisinger, Bumba Mukherjee and Benjamin E.Bagozzi. 2016. “The IMF, Finance Interest Groups and Capital Flight in Developing States.” Kellogg Institute of International Studies, Working Paper Series (Peer-reviewed).


Bumba Mukherjee. Forthcoming “Democracies and Financial Crises in the Developing World.” Review of Finance


Bumba Mukherjee. Forthcoming. “Democratic Institutions and Equity Market  Liberalization.” Journal of Empirical Finance


Bumba Mukherjee. Forthcoming. “Skill-intensive industries, Legislative Institutions, and Non-Tariff barriers in developing democracies.” Journal of Development  Economics


Bumba Mukherjee. 2015. “New Democracies.” in Lisa L.  Martin edited. The Oxford Handbook of Politics of International Trade. New York: Oxford University Press.


Benjamin E. Bagozzi, Daniel W. Hill, Will. H. Moore and Bumba Mukherjee. 2015. “Modeling Two Types of Zeros in Ordinal Data: The Zero-inflated Ordered Probit (ZiOP) Model in Political Science.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 59(4): 728-752


Hugh Ward, Xun Cao, and Bumba Mukherjee. 2014. “State Capacity and the  Environmental Investment Gap in Authoritarian States.” Comparative Political Studies 47(3): 291-308.


Benjamin E. Bagozzi, Thomas Brawner, Bumba Mukherjee, and Vineeta Yadav. 2014. “Regional International Organizations and Individual Immigration Attitudes: Results from Finite Mixture Models.” International Interactions 40(3): 350-375


Nathan M. Jensen, Bumba Mukherjee and William Bernhard. 2014. “Benefits and Drawbacks of Survey Research and Survey Experiments in IPE.” International Interactions 40(3): 287-304.


Bumba Mukherjee, Vineeta Yadav, and Sergio Bejar. 2014. “Electoral  Particularism, Bank Concentration, and Capital Account Liberalization in Developing Democracies.” Comparative Political Studies 47 (6): 851-877


Bumba Mukherjee, Vineeta Yadav, and Sergio Bejar. 2014. “Candidate-centered systems, public banks and equity market restrictions in developing democracies.” Review of International Political Economy 21 (3): 670-709.


Bumba Mukherjee and Benjamin E. Bagozzi. 2013. “The IMF, Domestic Public Sector Banks and Currency Crises in Developing States.” International Interactions 39(1): 1-29.


Daniel W. Hill, Will H. Moore and Bumba Mukherjee. 2013. “Information Politics vs Organizational  Incentives: When are INGO’s “Naming and Shaming”Reports Biased?” International Studies Quarterly 57(2): 219-232.


Bagozzi, Benjamin E. and Bumba Mukherjee. 2012. “A Mixture Model for Middle-category Inflation in Ordered Survey Responses.” Political Analysis 20(3): 369-386.


Sergio Bejar, Bumba Mukherjee and Will H. Moore. 2011. “Time horizons matter: the Hazard rate of Coalition Governments and the Size of Government.” Economics of Governance 12(3): 201-235.


Sergio Bejar and Bumba Mukherjee. 2011. “Electoral Institutions and Growth Volatility: Theory and Evidence.” International Political Science Review 32( 4): 458-479.


Bumba Mukherjee and David A. Singer. 2010. “International Institutions and Domestic Compensation: The IMF and the Politics of Capital Account Liberalization.” American Journal of Political Science 54(1): 45-60.


Helen V. Milner and Bumba Mukherjee. 2009. “Democratization and  Economic Globalization.” Annual Review of Political Science 12: 163-181.


Bumba Mukherjee, Dale Smith and Quan Li. 2009. “Labor (Im)mobility and the Politics of Trade Protection in Majoritarian Democracies.” Journal of Politics 71(1): 1-18.


Bumba Mukherjee. 2008. “International Economic Organizations and Economic Development: An Assessment.” SAIS Review of International Affairs. vol. XXVIII no. 2: 123-137.


Justin E. Esarey, Bumba Mukherjee and Will H. Moore. 2008. “Strategic Interaction and Interstate Crises: A Fixed-Effects Bayesian Quantal Response Estimator for Incomplete Information Games.” Political Analysis 16: 250-272.


Bumba Mukherjee and David A. Singer. 2008. “Monetary Institutions, Partisanship and Inflation Targeting.” International Organization 62(2): 323-358.


Bumba Mukherjee. 2008. Review for Pricing Politics: Democratic Politics and Financial Markets (by William Bernhard and David Leblang.) in Journal of Economic Literature Vol. XLVI (June 2008): 10-12.


Bumba Mukherjee and David Leblang. 2007. “Partisan Politics, Interest Rates and the Stock Market: Evidence from American and British Returns in the Twentieth Century.” Economics and Politics 19 (2): 135-167.


Bumba Mukherjee and David Leblang. 2006. “Minority Governments and Exchange Rate Regimes: Evidence from 21 OECD Democracies, 1975-1999.”European Union Politics. 7: 427-449.


Bumba Mukherjee.  2006. “Democratic Institutions or Third Party  Enforcement: Testing Competing Hypotheses on Peaceful Resolution of Civil Wars.” Foreign Policy Analysis. 2(4): 405-430.


Anna Harvey and Bumba Mukherjee. 2006. “Electoral Institutions and the Evolution of Partisan Conventions, 1880-1940.” American Politics Research. 34(3): 368-398.


Bumba Mukherjee. 2006. “Why Political Power-Sharing Agreements Lead to Enduring Peaceful Resolution of Some Civil Wars, But Not Others?” International Studies Quarterly 50 (2): 479-504.


Bumba Mukherjee and Will H. Moore.2006. “Government Formation in Parliamentary Democracies and Foreign Exchange Markets: Theory and Evidence From Europe.” International Studies Quarterly. 50(1): 93-118.


David Leblang and Bumba Mukherjee. 2005.“Government Partisanship, Elections and the Stock Market: Examining American and British Stock Returns, 1930-2000.” American Journal of Political Science 49(4): 780-802.


Bumba Mukherjee. 2005. Review for Votes and Violence: Electoral Competition and Ethnic Riots in India (by for Steven Wilkinson) in Comparative Political Studies 38(8): 1002-1005.


David Leblang and Bumba Mukherjee. 2004. “Presidential Elections and the Stock Market: Comparing Markov-Switching and Fractionally Integrated GARCH Models of Volatility.” Political Analysis Vol.12, no.3: 296-322.


Bumba Mukherjee. 2003. “Political Parties and the Size of Government in Multiparty Legislatures: Examining Cross Country and Panel Data Evidence.” Comparative Political Studies Vol. 36, no.6, pp.699-728.

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